Our Mission

Since its founding in 1954, Knechtel, Demeur & Samlan has committed itself to providing its clients with high quality intellectual property law legal services. Since the inception of the firm, our lawyers have endeavored to assist clients realize the full potential of their patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and related intellectual property, both nationally and internationally.

The firm is experienced in advising and representing clients before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and state and federal courts. We are also experienced in negotiating royalty, licensing and technology transfer agreements.

Our registered patent attorneys have expertise in the various sciences. The attorney most experienced in handling a client's particular patent project is assigned to that project. Our lawyers confer with one another to ensure that the client is receiving the best possible service.

We are proud of our commitment to our clients. Our lawyers work every day to keep the trust given us by our clients in helping them to navigate the complex legal challenges facing them.